We pride ourselves on our competitive pricing, reliability, and high quality PCBs. Caltronics focuses on our customer’s needs to manufacture products ranging from simple prototypes to highly technical multi-layer circuit boards. We meet IPC guidelines and RoHS standards. We are also AS9100D and ISO 9001-2015 certified.

Our 30+ years of industry knowledge and involvement with high-end technology allows us to produce single, double, and multi-layer boards in a timely fashion. Caltronics uses quality materials that include FR4 polyimide, teflon, and heavy copper.

Product Benefits

  • Small size allows for complex circuitry to be created around the product
  • Minimized electronic current and low radiation emission reduces electronic noise
  • Soldered components produce highly resistant boards
  • Provides accurate and long-lasting performance results
  • Facilitates repair and maintenance for technicians

To learn more, visit our capabilites page.

Design Support. Develop. Manufacture.

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